Thursday, December 17, 2015

There, it's done!

There, it's done.

I had the mastectomy. I had the salpingo-oophrectomy.  I'm out of the hospital and on the mend.

I keep saying, surgery is my jam. I handle surgery, no issues. I just do. I've had zero pain meds. I know! But it's just a little sore, not a big deal. Not like chemo, not like so many things. It all went like clockwork and now all I have to do is recover. I did all of this because of my bad genes, but there was nothing that said "cancer." So, this went easily.

I took my medication the night before. I was worried about it, but my doctor told me to keep a positive attitude: guess what? She was right. It was a little crampy, the misoprostol. Not a biggie.
An IV Pole with a bag hanging.
Oh, my IV pole is my friend.

I went into the hospital with the wonderful hubby, who himself is still recovering from his surgery. They prepped me, gave me happy drugs and wheeled me away. Actually, I don't remember getting wheeled away. I was on drugs.

I woke up five hours later. I was told one of the doctors was delayed, so it took longer, not that I noticed. From there, I slept and wrestled with the IV so I could get to the bathroom. That was a pain, but it went fine too. I managed all by myself all night. I ate a liquid diet. I slept and posted on Facebook and slept some more.

I have three stitches in my belly, including my belly button, and a big bandage across my chest. I have a drain I get to tend. All of this is fine. I'm relieved to have the weight off my chest.  I now have a boy chest.

I have a long list of pathology findings coming:

  • My breast tissued will be examined
  • My ovaries and tubes, the same
  • There were samples taken during the hysteroscopy (they used a scope to examine my uterus)
  • There was a little glioma on my colon

So, I will have interesting findings coming. More cancer concern, but not a scare. Not yet. Let's just relax and recover for a few days. I do have pain meds, if I need it, but...I'm good for now.

Thank God.

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